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When you discover that your spouse has been cheating on you, there’s typically two courses of action you can take: Forgive them and try to patch things up Leave them and start over on your own This is a tough choice. A cheating spouse can’t be trusted, but there’s undoubtedly love to be salvaged if […]
It can start with a simple password change to their phone or tablet. Maybe their routine has been altered and they are spending more time out of the house at business functions, the gym, or with friends. Chances are that if you believe your significant other is cheating on you, they probably are. However, you […]
If your spouse has been acting weird or distant lately, naturally you may be feeling a bit concerned. Your concern may even be turning into suspicion. Before you jump to conclusions and hire a Tampa spouse surveillance professional, review these possible reasons for their odd behavior. They’re Under A Lot of Pressure Life happens to us all. […]
Do you suspect that your spouse is having an extramarital affair? If your spouse has been acting strangely, changing their normal routine, or spending less time at the house, they may be romantically involved with someone else. Cheating spouses usually do a sufficient job of hiding their tracks, so you may want to consider hiring […]
If you’ve noticed something off recently about your spouse or partner, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that they may be having an affair. Have they made a drastic change to their appearance? Are they on the phone frequently and never let it out of their sight? If the suspicions are there and you have cause […]
If you suspect that your significant other is having an affair and want to know for sure, you have the option to hire a private investigator to give you definite proof of the adultery, or confirm that they in fact are not cheating on you. If you’ve never hired a private investigator, and aren’t sure […]
Many people have seen movies where a person suspects their spouse is cheating, and they follow with crazy antics to try and gather evidence and catch them in the act. In real life, it’s not that simple. If you suspect that your spouse is having an affair, you can go one of two ways. You […]
As an experienced Tampa private investigation company, we’ve spoken with countless individuals who suspect infidelity in their relationship. We’ve learned a lot about cheating behaviors along the way, and know that confronting a partner rarely ends in an honest conversation. An unfaithful partner will likely deny wrongdoing, so the best way to catch a cheater is to […]
It’s important to enter marriage fully aware of both the good and bad aspects of your partner’s life. Maybe there are questions you are afraid to ask or there are areas of uncertainty related to your partner’s finances, criminal history, or past relationships. You don’t want to walk in to your new life without getting […]
Why are some people more prone to cheating than others? It’s a question many men and women ask when they find themselves in an unfaithful relationship, especially when their significant other has a habitual track record of infidelity. If you’re one of these people, our Tampa private investigators can confidently say from our experience with cheating spouses […]