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Child custody disputes are often long, drawn-out affairs that create friction between parents and polarize children. If you believe your child will benefit from being placed in your care, you need to prepare yourself for a child custody battle. A Tampa private investigator for child custody cases can be of immense help when you are forced to take your case before a judge.
In this article, the experts at Darwin Securities will explore different actions you can take to win a child custody battle. Fighting for your child is stressful and traumatic, but if you follow these steps, you will have an improved chance of winning your case.
Naturally, a child custody battle pits you against the other parent, but if you show willingness to work with your former partner, you have a better chance of winning custody of your child. Family courts like to see cooperation between parents during divisive times. If your ex-spouse is unwilling to compromise with you, you should showcase a willingness to hear them out before you become overly defensive. However, don’t be too lenient. Remain firm in your initial stance and communicate your conditions clearly with your ex and the judge.
Child custody battles can be cutthroat and malicious. Parents have been known to make false accusations to prevent their former partner from gaining custody. Hiring a Tampa child custody private investigator can help protect you from false allegations and reinforce your reputation before the judge. Your child’s safety and well-being is paramount in a child custody battle, so having someone on your side to protect your from periphery threats allows you to focus on strengthening your case. A private investigator can also investigate your former spouse to produce evidence against them that bolsters your case.
If you’re locked in a child custody battle, it’s time to reinvent your parenting persona. Teach yourself about family law, prepare documentation outlining any interactions with your ex that showcase a pattern of abuse, and refrain from talking negatively about the other parent around your children. Also, you should avoid arriving late for visits or pickups, and don’t reschedule time with your kids. Stay away from drugs and alcohol and don’t falsify stories to strengthen your case. It’s important to be the model parent during a child custody battle, especially during a messy dispute.
Winning a child custody battle isn’t easy. It is difficult to conduct yourself with grace when the well-being of your child is on the line, but there are many steps you can take to improve your chances of winning a child custody battle.
To schedule a consultation with an experienced Tampa child custody private investigator from Darwin Securities, please submit our contact request form.