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When you hire a private investigator in Tampa from Darwin Securities, LLC, you’re not just partnering with an individual who knows how to follow clues and unearth the truth, you’re partnering with a professional who can use a diverse set of skills to solve a myriad of important and oftentimes personal issues. In instances when you feel powerless, when justice isn’t served or the wrongdoers of the world get the upper hand, a private investigator can help you regain control.
Our professionals serve a broad range of clients, including concerned parents, suspicious spouses, high-level executives, celebrities, and more. Your personal decision to hire a private investigator in Tampa is your own, but these six are among the most commonly cited reasons why individuals choose to hire Darwin Securities.
Making informed decisions is difficult when individuals aren’t forthright about their past. If you want to be certain that you’re placing your trust in the right people, a background check is one of the most effective ways to unearth any unsavory details they might be hiding from you. When you hire a private investigator in Tampa to perform a background check, you will become privy to important information regarding an individual’s personal, professional, and criminal history, allowing you to make wise decisions about who you allow in your life (or your business).
Tracking down individuals for the purpose of serving them notice of legal action can be a significant burden. Process serving takes time, and when the target flies under the radar, you need a professional to take over. Whether it’s summons, complaints, subpoenas, order to show cause, or writs, a private investigator from Darwin Securities can get your documents delivered in a timely manner and in full compliance with Civil Process statutes.
At Darwin Securities, we also offer executive protection services designed to keep individuals safe from abduction, intentional (or unintentional) harm, and embarrassment. Our agents take a full-spectrum approach to protection, ensuring that threats are mitigated before they happen. With a team composed of former military personnel, police officers, and graduates of executive protection programs, you can rest assured that you are not only safe but also represented with professionalism and tact at all times.
In many cases, the best way to acquire valuable evidence without exposing yourself to legal complications is through the use of a private investigator with a proven track record of successful surveillance. Whether you’re a concerned parent fighting for custody of your child or an executive who believes fraud is taking place in their company, private surveillance is an effective way to bolster your case with irrefutable evidence.
When someone disappears, a professional can employ a combination of technology and investigative techniques to track them down. Skiptracing involves a broad range of investigative techniques, all of which must be cross-referenced with one another to produce reliable answers. If a friend, family member, or employee has gone missing, it may be time to hire a private investigator in Tampa.
Worried that your spouse might be lying to you? Or that your teens are spending time in places they shouldn’t be? Renting a GPS tracking device is one way to get answers without raising suspicion. If you don’t know how to use a GPS tracking device; don’t worry, a private investigator in Tampa can give you tips for tracking activity without being conspicuous.
To schedule a consultation or learn more about how to hire a private investigator in Tampa, please submit to our contact request form.